quite a long time i no write blog, because currently a bit bz...just wan to write some things before exam and after exam..
3/5- this is the last paper i having...public sector accounting..all theory, nd to memorize..c the table..full of notes..wah..some more got chocolate..haha...coz nd relax mah..take it before 3 hour of exam...tat time quite stress,coz dunno what the exam will come out..so a bit stress. alot of things nd to memorize...my memorize power very teruk...for calcualation, still ok lah..but for the memory...plz....i scare...
before going exam...concentrate study..because wan get a good result..but dunno lah.result haven't out yet...haha...last paper...
haha...at the same day..after exam..then go c movie v my friend...at cineleisure damansara...c the nice nice movie...IRON MAN...waliao..damn nice lah...some things like transformer..for guy..sure like it. actually v plan go to c early show at 9pm..but when go there..all the ticket finish al'd..so v no going to buy..just waiting..then asking the staff whether got on9 booking or not..haha..nasib baik got on9 booking, but the people hv't come to collect,so v "pok ya pok"...before 1/2 hour to 10pm..v go n buy the ticket...haha...nasib very good...good luck..finally v get the ticket...haha...going to c the show..very nice..if v can't buy the .then v nd to c at 1am liao..tak boleh tahan lah..haha...
this pic actually is i take when i go to work on 30/4....very geng oh...2/5 and 3/5 nd exam..but i go to work again..haha..very geng leh...go to work from 5pm to 10pm...short period...help the agent..because they can't find ppl liao..so go together v my friend...haha...working in the JW Marriott Hotel ...haha..damn nice..the toilet more big then my room leh..damn..some more so nice the toilet..i think can sleep inside there..haha...after change the cloth..then shock sendiri in the toilet..haha..then design of the toilet also nice leh...the hotel is 4 star hotel..i think lah...nice...the event is about germany product event..dunno lah..just go there n play the stacking cup..teach the people wo 1 to play the whiz stack...haha....senang job lah..but after i go back..my hand quite pain leh..dunno y...maybe keep on play the stacking cup kua..haha
me n ruoh qing in the JW Marriott Hotel ..after working...then v shock sendiri...haha..miss her..long time no c.
if got chance..then work together v her again lah..haha..she is very hardworking gal...hihi
mother's day...celebrate together v my mummy..haha..she forget the mother's day lah...haha...gv her a surprice..haha...nice cake ????
long time no taking photo c my mummy liao...hihi...nice ?
haha..this is my sister's daughter..Xiao Hong...very naughty...haha..c the pic ???haha...dunno where she looking..aih...currently she is 4 yrs old..study in kinder garden....
my senior all very nice lah...when dunno..just ask them..then they teach me loh...learn a lot of things...hihi...
mm...plan to take all the credit hour next sem...dunno can or not..wan to finish early...then go out n work..because i think tat working is more important..the experience v can't get in the study...v can't c the real life example.. when working..only can c the real things...mm..dunno lah..dunno can finish all the credit hour next sem or not.if can..then good loh..then plan to work in singapore..dunno can or not..this all only plan..but hope can get a job in singapore...then can meet my friend there..haha..stay together..earn a lot money....then buy the things i like n also give money for my mum..so tat my mum no nd to work..dunno can or not...buy nd go singapore o..maybe back only chinese new year...haha..dunno lah..aih...wan graduate liao..so fan a lot of things...
ok lah..write in next time again...boring life.